5/13/13 I don’t intend to write this to have a pity party. I mostly write these things to get them off my chest and to know that I have a place I can write my feelings that is safe. So I have been married to my wonderful husband Ty for 15 years now and he has been a firefighter during almost that entire time. He has done wild land firefighting, he is done paged out firefighting and he has worked in several different cities. I know what it takes to be a firefighters wife and I’ve known since the day that we got married that it would be difficult. For example the week after we got married he was doing wild land and was gone for 14 days and then would come home for another 8 to 10 days and then be gone again. Time has passed and now we have five kids and a dog and our life is quite busy. For some reason today, on Mother’s Day I got very emotional and felt very lonely. Today is our oldest daughters birthday and she turned five. Her daddy was at work and I, like...